[Tianjin second-hand housing transaction standards] Tianjin second-hand housing transaction taxes and fees 2023 |Tianjin second-hand housing transaction tax standards|Tianjin second-hand housing transaction tax types and charging standards |

What are the taxes and fees for second-hand housing transactions in Tianjin? What percentage is charged? The property rights trading hall of the Tianjin Real Estate Administration Bureau stipulates that the taxes and fees for second-hand housing transactions in Tianjin are summarized as follows, welcome to read!

C. Property right registration fee: Second-hand real estate right transfer registration fee is 80 yuan per set, and non-residential evaluation price is charged at 4/1000.

E. Transfer fee: The land transfer fee is 6 yuan per square meter of building area, and 18 yuan per square meter of non-residential building area.

Most banks for mortgage loans require guarantee procedures (except for CCB mortgage loans). Provident fund loans (including provident fund portfolio loans) need to implement guarantee procedures. The guarantee fee rate is subject to the announcement of Jinfang Real Estate Guarantee Company. The amount of guarantee fee depends on the type of loan , loan amount, and loan period.

If you want to buy a second-hand house in Tianjin, you need to understand the relevant policies for buying a house. Buying a house requires paying taxes. Both the buyer and the seller need to pay taxes in time, so that the house sale and transaction can be completed. Then Tianjin second-hand house transaction tax how many? What are the precautions for buying and selling second-hand housing? These questions, the following introduces the relevant knowledge.

2. If the house provided by the seller is legal and can be traded on the market, the buyer can pay the house purchase deposit (paying the house purchase deposit is not a commercial house transaction procedure), and the buyer and the seller sign a house sale (or called a house sale contract). After negotiation between the buyer and the seller, the location of the house, property rights status, transaction price, time of house delivery, house delivery, and property rights handling have reached an agreement, and the two parties sign a house sale in triplicate.

The VAT reform will be fully implemented on May 1, 2016, but the specific implementation time for second-hand housing transactions will be determined. Note: In the past, the taxed house price was tax-included, and after the reform of business tax, it was excluding tax. The tax rate remained unchanged at 5%, and the actual tax burden was reduced to 4.76%.

The property certificate is more than 5 years old and the only house in the family is exempt from personal income tax, otherwise relevant fees will be levied, as follows:

The fee for the property right certificate is 80 yuan/set.

Buying and selling second-hand houses is a very important thing, and requires us to have some professional knowledge. Generally speaking, most people do not understand the procedures and procedures of buying a house very well, which requires us to choose a professional real estate agency to help us take care of the house purchase matters.

We need to be aware of the house purchase budget, fully consider our own financial strength and repayment ability, whether to use our savings for many years or choose a bank loan, these are things we must consider before buying a house.

1. The buyer and the seller establish an information communication channel. The buyer understands the overall current situation of the house and the status of property rights, and requires the seller to provide legal documents, including house ownership certificates, identity documents and other documents.

a. When reviewing the seller's real estate certificate, you can look at the first or second page of the real estate certificate with the words "house sold at cost price", "house sold at cost price" or "privately completed" in red, indicating that the house was purchased at cost price.

b. See if there are clauses in the sales agreement signed by the original purchaser such as: "the unit has the right of first refusal", "the sale and transfer must be subject to the original unit of property rights", or "can be listed within five years". In addition, if you purchase at cost price and the original property right unit agrees or purchases at standard price or preferential price, you need to submit the "Purchased Public Housing and Economical Housing Sale Consultation Form" to the original property right unit, and the original property right unit can be listed for trading after stamping.

The content of the review includes: Look at the red stamps of "*private premium", "*private standard", "preferential sale" or "standard sale" on the first page of the house ownership certificate, indicating that the house is purchased at a standard price or a preferential price. Second, look at the stipulations in the purchase and sale agreement signed by the original property right unit. , The property right certificate depends on the original, and at the same time, you should go to the department with jurisdiction, the district and county real estate bureau where the house is located to check the files, and confirm whether the house is eligible for listing.

4 Approval documents: it takes 3-5 working days, and the qualification of the lender needs to be reviewed, such as: working age.

3. The real estate transaction management department of the buyer and the seller submits an application and accepts the review. After the real estate management departments of the buyer and the seller submit the application procedures, the management department must check the relevant documents and review the property rights. The house that meets the listing conditions is allowed to go through the transfer procedures. If there is no property right or some property rights have other property rights, someone refuses the application in writing, and the listing transaction is prohibited.

4. Liaison. The real estate transaction management department deals with the property rights of the house and the purchase object. After the transaction department sets the approval authority and declares for approval, both parties to the transaction can go through the formalities of signing the contract. Now Beijing has canceled the real estate in the transaction process, which is commonly known as "white deed".

5. Pay taxes and fees. The composition of taxes and fees is more complicated, depending on the nature of the transaction house. For example, the composition of taxes and fees for housing reformed housing, relocated housing in danger of renovation, affordable housing and other commercial housing is the same.

6. Go through the formalities of transfer of property rights. After the real estate transaction management departments of both parties to the transaction complete the property right change registration, the transaction materials are transferred to the certificate issuing department, and the buyer receives the house ownership certificate notice and goes to the certificate issuing department to apply for the property right certificate.

7. The buyer and the seller of the loan After signing the house sale, the buyer and the seller go to the lending bank to go through the loan procedures. The bank reviews the buyer's credit, the two parties evaluate the house transaction, determine the buyer's loan amount, and then approve the buyer's loan. After both parties complete the registration of property rights, the buyer After receiving the house ownership certificate, the bank loan will be issued.

8. After the buyer receives the house ownership certificate and pays off all house payments, and the seller delivers the house and settles all property fees, the second-hand house sales contract between the two parties is fully fulfilled.

The real estate certificate is the only proof that the owner enjoys the ownership of the house. Without the real estate certificate, the buyer has the risk of not being able to obtain the house when the house is traded. The homeowner may have a real estate certificate and mortgage or resell it. Even if there is no future for the acquisition, the homeowner can mortgage and resell it. So choose a house with a real estate certificate for transaction.

Some houses have multiple owners. If there are heirs, families, or husbands and wives, the buyer should sign a house sale with all the owners. If only some people dispose of the common property, the buyer signs a sales contract with it, and other people have it.

When some second-hand houses are transferred, there is a material burden, that is, others rent them. If the buyer looks at the real estate certificate, pays attention to the transfer procedures, and pays attention to whether there is a lease, the buyer may get a property that cannot be moved in or used in time. Because our country, including most countries, recognizes that "buying and selling does not break the lease", that is to say, the buying and selling of houses cannot be opposed to the establishment of a lease first. In fact, many buyers and intermediary companies ignore this point, and many sellers use it to cause many disputes.

Buyers of second-hand housing should pay attention to the nature of land use, whether it is allocated or sold. The allocated land is used without compensation, and the government can take it back without compensation. The land use period, if a house has a land use right of 40 years, and the owner has used it for more than ten years, it is a bit uneconomical when the buyer should measure the price of a commercial house with a land use right of 70 years.

Further reading…

Tax Standards for Second-Hand Housing Transactions in Tianjin

Tianjin second-hand housing transaction tax 2023

Some homeowners may sell second-hand houses because they know that the house will face demolition in about 5 to 10 years, or high-rise residential buildings will be built near the house, which may affect lighting, prices, and municipal planning. When selling, as a buyer, you should fully understand the details when buying .

Housing reform, housing projects, and affordable housing itself are a kind of policy-based housing with a welfare nature, and there are restrictions on the transfer. Moreover, there are national regulations on the land nature of these houses and the scope of house ownership. Buyers should avoid conflicts with national laws in sales contracts when purchasing .

There are cost-price employee housing and standard-price employee housing for unit houses. The nature of the land between the two is allocated, and land use fees should be paid when transferring. Furthermore, standard-price housing units enjoy part of the property rights, and when employees transfer, the units enjoy the right of first refusal. If the buyer fails to pay attention to these, it may violate the legal rights of the unit together with the homeowner.

In the process of second-hand housing transactions, setting selling points, pricing, and paying attention to the property market, various procedures in the transaction often bring unexpected problems to both buyers and sellers. Second-hand housing is sought after by many buyers due to its geographical location, price, and the characteristics of buying and living immediately. However, many people understand the transaction process of second-hand housing in Tianjin, so that they will waste a lot of time. Process: loan conditions, loan process content. Buyers should follow the steps below to conduct a second-hand housing transaction.

In the process of second-hand housing transactions, setting selling points, pricing, and paying attention to the property market, various procedures in the transaction often bring unexpected problems to both buyers and sellers. Second-hand housing is sought after by many buyers due to its geographical location, price, and the characteristics of buying and living immediately. However, many people understand the transaction process of second-hand housing in Tianjin, so that they will waste a lot of time. Process: loan conditions, loan process content. Buyers should follow the steps below to conduct a second-hand housing transaction.

1 Evaluation: It takes 2-3 working days to conduct a market evaluation of the real estate and issue a written evaluation report;

2 Make an agreement: go to the Housing Management Bureau, both the buyer and the seller must file for the record to prove that the transaction is in progress, if the house is not sold later, you need to go to the Housing Management Bureau to cancel the agreement.

Required documents: ID cards of both parties (one copy), hand seals of both parties, real estate title certificate (one copy), seller's personal settlement account (one copy). It has been more than 5 years since the last sale, and within 5 years of the real estate, you need to provide commercial housing or deed tax receipts. If you want to buy a house through housing reform, you must provide a housing reform agreement. Nankai and Hexi districts, other districts need to provide assessment reports.

Required documents: ID cards of both husband and wife, hand stamps of both husband and wife, account book, marriage certificate, transfer fee, down payment, sales agreement, evaluation report.

4 Approval documents: it takes 3-5 working days, and the qualification of the lender needs to be reviewed, such as: working age.

Further reading…

Tax types and charging standards for second-hand housing transactions in Tianjin

How much is the tax on second-hand housing transactions in Tianjin? What are the precautions for buying and selling second-hand houses

5 Entry: entry = transfer, the owner changes the name, the name of the buyer in the new house book

After the submission is completed, the Housing Management Bureau will have two pick-up slips, the house book pick-up slip, the buyer will take it away, and the new house copy will be taken within 30 days; other items will be taken away by the guarantee company.

6 Issuance of other items: After 7 working days, the Housing Management Bureau issued a green copy of "Other Items Certificate", which proves that the bank has obtained evidence of other items but received them, restricting the mortgage of the real estate, and proving that the house has existing loans and has not paid off the previous mortgage The main house only has the right to use, not the right to buy or sell. It can be leased and lived in.

7 Bank: The process, the bank goes through it, and the bank transfers the money to the government.

8 Zhengfu: The homonym of the government, it is a fund regulatory agency, and it takes 3-5 working days.

1. For the first purchase of a second-hand house with an area of ​​less than 90 square meters, the deed tax is levied at 1% of the transaction price;

2. For the first purchase of a second-hand house with an area between 90 square meters and 144 square meters, 1.5% of the transaction fee will be charged;

3. Purchase of second-hand housing of 144 square meters or more, or the price of a single square meter is higher than the guide price deed tax transaction price of 3%;

The registration fee for the transfer of second-hand real estate rights is 80 yuan per unit, and the non-residential evaluation price is 4/1000.

The second-hand housing other right registration fee is 80 yuan per set, and the buyer needs to apply for a second-hand housing loan to collect this fee.

The land transfer fee is 6 yuan/square meter for the area, and 18 yuan/square meter for the non-residential area.

ID cards, household registration books, hand stamps, income certificates, marriage certificates, temporary residence permits, down payment, and local contacts for both husband and wife.

The local contact person needs to provide certificates: ID card, household registration booklet, hand stamp, contact information, and the local contact person needs to sign.

Mortgage loan refers to the mortgage of the borrower's own property right house, and the bank borrower grants consumption loans for the purchase of real estate, automobiles, furniture, household appliances, and decoration.

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