[Second-hand housing prices in Xi'an in April] Second-hand housing prices in Xi'an|Xi'an Buying and Purchase Transaction Information|Xi'an Housing Price Trends|

In the first quarter of this year, the second-hand housing market in Xi’an ushered in the long-lost "Xiaoyangchun", but the "Xiaoyangchun" did not last long. The second-hand housing market in the next few months was not ideal. The data shows that the transaction and listing volume of second-hand housing in Xi’an decline.

According to Zhuge’s housing search platform, the number of second-hand housing listings in Xi’an fell from 190,750 in May to 161,818 at present, and the number of listings dropped sharply by 28,932. The price fell by 0.17% from April, or 0.13%.

Xi'an is not the only city with a decline in transaction volume, and second-hand housing transactions across the country have fallen. Among the first-tier cities of "North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen", the transaction volume of second-hand housing in Beijing fell the most, with a month-on-month drop of 37% in April; followed by Shanghai, Shenzhen, and finally Guangzhou, with a drop of between 18% and 27%. In some second-tier cities, including Hangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Nanjing, Wuhan, and Suzhou, the number of second-hand housing transactions fell in April. The transaction volume of second-hand housing in Shanghai was 17,300, compared with 23,700 in March, a month-on-month decrease of 27%, and lower than 19,300 in February. The performance in May is not optimistic. As of May 21, the cumulative transaction volume is about 10,000 units, and the transaction volume has declined. As of May 24, 9,599 second-hand houses were sold in Beijing, a decrease of 11.8% in the same period in April and a decrease of 39.8% in the same period in March.

As the second-hand housing market is not so good, the business of intermediary stores has been affected. The agent at the Deyou store on Chunlin 2nd Road sighed: "The market has declined, and there are more house inspectors. I could show three or four groups the day before, but now I can show one group a day. The transaction has declined."

Data show that in April, the price of new houses in Xi'an rose by 0.6% month-on-month and 1.6% year-on-year.

With the decline in viewing volume and transaction volume, some second-hand housing prices have dropped. In the case of Heyuan Community in the city, the previous transaction price was about 11,500 yuan/㎡, but the latest transaction price is only about 8,000 yuan/㎡. According to the data displayed on the intermediary platform, the original price of a 183-square-meter house in Zao’an Linzhuang was 2.9 million yuan, but now it is sold for 2.3 million yuan, and the total price has dropped by 600,000 yuan. Located in the Binfen Nanjun District of China Railway High-tech Zone, the transaction price reached 28,000 yuan/㎡ at the peak, and the current listed price of the community is 23,600 yuan/㎡, which has dropped. Facing the large-scale coldness of the second-hand housing market and the current situation of price cuts, some community owners have adopted collective "self-help" measures. For example, the owners of Fengdong No. 1 community issued a "Proposal to Guarantee Housing Prices", which reflects a seller's market on another level.

Although there are many areas and neighborhoods where prices have dropped, there are still priced listings. The hot items in the second-hand housing market in Xi'an are mainly concentrated around the school, and are new houses in the school district.

According to the query data of Anjuke, the current average transaction price of Yongchen in Qujiang Dacheng, Zhonghai, Qujiang New District is 37,641 yuan/㎡, the average transaction price of Sunshine City PLUS is 28,114 yuan/㎡, and the average transaction price of Baihualinju in the open area is 20,198 yuan/㎡ , the average transaction price of Caiwei Garden, Greentown National Games Village, Port District, is 23,809 yuan/㎡. These are second-hand housing price communities in the area, mainly because there are school districts, shopping malls, transportation, and secondary new housing from brand housing companies.

Looking at the second-hand housing market in Xi'an in the first half of this year, there was some activity, but the transaction volume did not show an upward trend. The declining popularity of the second-hand housing market and the prolonged transaction cycle may cause a group of homeowners to be less motivated to sell and list at this stage, and want to wait for the price to sell.

Recently, the second-hand housing market has generally cooled down. Li Zhousheng, the store manager of Maya Housing Caochangpo Store, believes that the second-hand housing market in Xiaoyangchun after the end of the year, whether it is market heat, transaction volume, or transaction prices, is mainly due to the overall economy. become rational. At present, the analysis of the customer group profile of the transaction shows that the main customers are need customers and improvement customers, and there are very few investment customers.

In April, among the 70 large and medium-sized cities, the sales prices of new commercial housing and second-hand housing rose month-on-month in 62 and 36 cities, down from 2 and 21 cities in the previous month.

Up 0.6%, the price of new houses in Xi'an

The listing volume exceeded 190,000 sets, and the transaction volume could not keep up

On the whole, in 2023, the price of new houses in Xi'an will be flat month-on-month in February, and will rise month-on-month in the rest of the months, and the increase will expand.

In the current situation of the real estate market in Xi'an, the demand for products continues to decrease, and the proportion of improved products is increasing. Moreover, under the stimulus of multiple policies, the market will recover confidence.

In terms of area, the price of houses below 90㎡ increased by 0.1% month-on-month; the price of houses between 90-144㎡ increased by 0.8% month-on-month; the price of houses above 144㎡ increased by 0.1% month-on-month. It is not difficult to see from this that 90-144㎡ houses are the main force in the current market.

Although the current price of new houses in Xi'an is very high, there is a trend of product improvement in the market. The project area is more than 120㎡, and the number of houses below 90㎡ is less and less. When the area increases, even if the price increases, the cost of buying a home for buyers will increase.

Up 0.3%, the price of second-hand housing in Xi'an "rose four times in a row"

In April, there were 36 cities where second-hand housing prices rose. Xi'an second-hand housing prices rose by 0.3% month-on-month and 0.4% year-on-year.

Beginning in January, second-hand housing in Xi'an stopped falling and turned to rising. As of April, prices have risen in four months.

In terms of different area segments, the prices of houses below 90 square meters were flat last month; the prices of houses between 90-144 square meters rose by 0.5% month-on-month; and the prices of houses above 144 square meters rose by 0.4% month-on-month. It can be seen that the housing stock above 90-144㎡ is the main driving force for the increase in second-hand housing prices in April.

Further reading…

The transaction volume of second-hand housing in Xi'an fell by 20% in April. Can the owners hold back?

Both new houses and second-hand houses rose month-on-month! Prices in Xi'an remain firm in April

Xi’an Goufang charted the trend of the property market, and second-hand housing cooled in April, but the market is regular and it is a phenomenon. Shell data shows that the overall number of transactions declined last month, with nearly 2,200 houses signed between April 1 and April 18.

However, the analysis of transaction houses is available, the transaction cycle is shortened, and the number of transaction houses increases within one or two weeks of listing, and the houses listed for more than one year in the early stage have been delisted, and the enthusiasm of buyers continues to buy houses.

In addition, the price of second-hand housing in Xi'an has "recovered". According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, second-hand housing in Xi'an rose by 0.8% month-on-month in March.

According to various data, the property market in Xi'an has entered a stage of stabilization and recovery since the beginning of the year. In March, Xiaoyangchun arrived as scheduled, which gave us hope. Although the data in April declined, it was expected.

In addition, according to the data from the middle index, the average transaction price of second-hand housing in Xi’an in April was 16,378 yuan/㎡, which rose slightly last month.

According to the above data, in April, the second-hand housing prices in various sectors in Xi’an showed 5 rises and 6 declines, and 7 sectors were flat. Housing prices fell in 6 sectors: Qinhan New City, Kai, Chang'an, Qujiang, Weiyang and Lianhu; among them, Qinhan New City fell by 2.5%, and the average price of the sector was 16,000/㎡. Housing prices rose in 5 sectors: Beilin, Hong Kong, Yanta and Baqiao; among them, Baqiao District rose by 3.7%, and the average price of the sector was 14,000/㎡. This was followed by an increase of 2.7%, with an average price of 26,000/㎡; currently, the average price of second-hand housing in Qujiang, Xi’an is 25,500/㎡.

It can be seen that Lianhu, Chang'an, Weiyang, and Chanba are the "areas" that many home buyers love. Although the housing prices of Lianhu, Chang'an, Weiyang, and Chanba look very high, the development of the sector is limited by factors, and the heat is still slightly.

So how do ordinary people buy home insurance? Let's see next~

The listing volume exceeded 190,000 sets, and the transaction volume could not keep up

Further reading…

The latest housing prices in 70 cities! The price of new houses in Xi'an rose by 0.60% month-on-month in April, and second-hand houses…

On the second Tuesday of April in Xi'an High-tech Yuhuazhai, the average house price was 18,758 yuan/square meter, a slight drop from the previous month. Let's see which…

How should I buy a second-hand house now? We need to put our minds right, be blind, meet our own housing needs, and get on the car rationally. At the same time, we need to understand market trends and the reasons for transaction fluctuations.

Whether it is the surge in transaction volume in March or the decline in transaction data in April, the main reasons are:

2. Housing transactions in school districts; the time to find out the bottom is from late March to April, and most parents will complete the purchase of houses in February-March, and the speed will decline in April.

According to Zhuge’s housing search data, the current number of second-hand housing listings in Xi’an has reached 190,193, and the number of listings continues to be at a high level. Compared with the beginning of April, the second-hand housing market in Xi’an has increased by 7,320 housing listings.

Among them, Weiyang District has a large inventory of second-hand housing, with 41,524 units, followed by 36,614 units in the High-tech Zone, reducing inventory pressure.

According to the transaction situation in April, some real estate registration service centers in Xi'an had "overnight" queues, which shows that second-hand housing transactions are "hot".

At the same time, from late March to April, various schools were "understanding the tide". Facing the army of the five northwestern provinces and the old neighbor Henan's college entrance examination, the "siphon" effect of Xi'an education came out, and a large number of parents started, so the transaction volume of second-hand housing showed protrude.

In addition, in the top 15 list of second-hand housing transactions in Xi'an, the monthly views of each community increased, and the monthly views of Jingkai Baihualinju reached 2,709.

The above-mentioned second-hand housing projects are cost-effective in the area, and the buying threshold is suitable for the needs of the public. Most of the transaction unit prices are below 20,000.

Only in Fenglin Oasis, a high-tech zone, is more than 30,000/㎡, mainly because of the project’s geographical location and surrounding areas, three blessings, and many nearby projects are 40,000+/㎡, so the market acceptance of this community.

Beike looked for a house. In April, Fenglin Oasis sold 14 sets. A certain set was sold within 10 days after it was listed. It was shown 22 times and the price was adjusted 3 times. It can be seen that the buyer and the seller want to trade.

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