[What are the real estate properties in Dongguan Tianlin] Dongguan Tianlin |

Here is where you enter to calculate your down payment. The down payment varies with your city, personal credit, and housing conditions. Combined with the actual situation, it is recommended that you consult a consultant.

Note: This calculation is used as a reference for buying a house, and it is recommended to consult a professional consultant to understand the down payment and loan plan based on the actual situation

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[2023-03-28 10:15:10] Tianlin·Tianyue currently sells three or four rooms with a construction area of ​​91-135㎡, with an average price of 20,080 yuan/㎡, and the houses will be delivered with decoration. The layout of the community is on the central garden axis, and the bungalows are distributed in point-like single-family buildings. The total residential area… Read more >

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The main product of the project is a three- or four-bedroom residential house with a construction area of ​​91-135㎡, with an average price of 20,080 yuan/㎡. Quotation time: April 26, 2023, price validity period: 30 days

NewsTianlin·Tianyue residential houses are on sale [2023-04-26 16:15:46]Tianlin·Tianyue is currently on sale, the project plans to have 356 households, and the construction area of ​​the main product of the project is 91-135㎡34 Residential houses with an average price of 20,080 yuan/㎡. Tianlin·Tianyue… Read more >

[2023-04-26 16:15:46] Tianlin · Tianyue is currently on sale. The project plans to have 356 households. The main product of the project has a construction area of ​​91-135㎡. Tianlin·Tianyue… Read more >

Dynamic Tianlin·Tianyue average selling price is 20,080 yuan/㎡ [2023-03-28 10:15:10]Tianlin·Tianyue currently sells three or four rooms with a construction area of ​​91-135㎡, with an average price of 20,080 yuan/㎡. Source delivered with decoration. The layout of the community is on the central garden axis, and the bungalows are distributed in point-like single-family buildings. The total residential area… Read more >

Now is the closing time of the sales office, the sales office will contact you after you make an appointment.

3 bedrooms (91㎡), 3 bedrooms (93㎡), 3 bedrooms (102㎡)

[Trunk Gathering] The project is surrounded by Fangzheng Road, Longsheng Road and West Lake Middle Road, Keguanlong Road, Dongjiang Avenue, the main urban road in the east, urban areas, 30 East City, 40 South City, Songshan Lake, enjoying the city center; the project is surrounded by Fangzheng Road, Longsheng Road, West Lake Middle Road, Keguanlong Road, Dongjiang Avenue, Eastern Trunk Line [Double-track Interchange] Project 3.5 km transportation hub Dongguan Station, subway line R2, 2 stops from Dongguan Station to Dongcheng, 5 stops to Dongcheng Wanda ( 15) Arrive at the Nancheng CBD core business district (20) at 8 stops, and arrive at Humen High-speed Railway Station at 30. At present, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Railway is open, and Humen High-speed Railway Station can take the high-speed rail to Hong Kong and enjoy it. [Three Three] The project is 6 kilometers away from the entrance of the Pearl River Delta (that is, Guanshen), 15, 30 north to Zengcheng, Guangzhou, and 50 south to Shenzhen; the project passes through Fangzheng Road from Shipaikou to Dongguan, and connects to Shenzhen Outer Ring Road, 40 to reach Longgang District, Shenzhen, 1 reach Guangzhouization, enjoy 1 Pearl River Delta living circle. [Public travel] 19 bus stations are set up within one kilometer of the project, and Shilong Town Central Passenger Station, social parking lot, and bus parking lot transportation connection facilities are planned within three kilometers.

Within one kilometer, there are Dongguan Third People's Hospital, Dongguan Songshan Lake Central Hospital, and the surrounding Eighth People's Hospital

The house is expected to be handed over by the end of May 2024. It is expected that the high-level planning of the community will be able to move, live, and be green.

The house is expected to be handed over by the end of May 2024. If the house can be handed over, the floor area ratio will be a little bit. If you live in a high-rise building, the lighting on the ground floor will probably be affected.

Further reading…

Dongguan Tianlin·Tianyue Real Estate Housing Price] House Type

Tianlin Tianyue house price

When optimizing housing provident fund loan policies in many places, house buyers need to pay attention to the following points: 1. Understand local policies: Housing provident fund loan policies are different in different regions, and buyers need to understand local policies and regulations, including down payment ratios, loan amounts, and loan interest rates content. 2. Confirm your own qualifications: Home buyers need to confirm whether they are eligible for housing provident fund loans, such as the time for paying provident fund and credit records. 3. Reasonable financial planning: Home buyers need to consider their own economic situation and repayment ability, and reasonably plan the home loan repayment plan to avoid excessive burden and financial risks. 4. Consider other home purchase costs: In addition to housing provident fund loans, home buyers need to consider other costs, such as housing taxes, property management fees, and decoration expenses. 5. Maintain a rational attitude towards house purchases: House buyers need to maintain a rational attitude towards house purchases, avoid blindly following trends and speculating in real estate, and make purchase decisions based on their own actual needs and economic capabilities.

Residential public benefits refer to the income obtained from various public facilities, venues, and equipment in the area, mainly including parking fees, advertising fees, leasing fees, kiosks, and express cabinets. These incomes are managed and controlled by property service companies, but they are used in accordance with the agreement and relevant regulations and shall not be used for other purposes. When a real estate service enterprise implements a remuneration system, various funds for property management shall establish accounts and establish a system according to regulations, and its income and expenditure shall be announced regularly, subject to the supervision of all owners. After being authorized by the owner's meeting of the property committee, it has the right to review the public benefit accounts of the property company. It can be directly reviewed or entrusted to an accountant to review. If there is no agreement in the property and the owner requests a review, the property company should provide the accounts, otherwise the people's court can sue. Therefore, the owner has the right to find out the details of the public benefits of the community, including various sources of income and usage. If the property company uses public benefits in violation of the regulations, the owner demands to be held accountable, and the relevant department complains or prosecutes.

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Please fill in your mobile phone number so that the real estate consultant can contact you to view the house.

Now is the closing time of the sales office, the sales office will contact you after you make an appointment.

Further reading…

Parks near Tianlin Tianrui Garden


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Price description: Dongguan Shilong [Tianlin Tianyue] quoted in May, with an average price of 17800. Price validity period: 2023-05-14 – 2023-05-21 The price is for reference only, and the actual developer shall prevail.

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 Price index: The current real estate price is 17,800 yuan/㎡, and the average price of ordinary houses in the area…

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