【Xiamen house transfer restrictions】Understanding Xiamen’s House Transfer Restrictions

The Xiamen House Transfer Restrictions

The new regulations, which came into effect on September 1st, 2021, restrict the transfer of property under certain circumstances. One of the most significant restrictions is the prohibition of transferring ownership of residential properties within two years of purchase. This means that homeowners who have recently purchased a property will not be able to sell it within two years of their purchase. Additionally, homeowners who have already owned a property for less than two years will not be able to sell it until the two-year period has passed.

Another restriction is the requirement for buyers to provide proof of their income and tax payments. This is to ensure that buyers do not exceed their financial capacity when purchasing a property. Furthermore, the regulations also require all property transactions to be conducted through official channels, such as licensed real estate agencies and notary offices.

Impact on Homeowners and Buyers

The Xiamen house transfer restrictions have caused concerns among homeowners who were planning to sell their properties. The two-year restriction may affect their decision to sell, as they will have to wait for at least two years before transferring ownership. This may also have an impact on their financial plans, as they may have been counting on the sale of their property to fund other investments.

The restrictions may also affect prospective buyers, particularly those who are planning to purchase a property for investment purposes. The restrictions on property transfers may limit their ability to quickly sell the property and make a profit.


Xiamen, located in southeast China, is a popular destination for both tourists and property investors. However, the city has implemented strict regulations on the transfer of property ownership. In this article, we will discuss the house transfer restrictions in Xiamen and what it means for property buyers and sellers.

Restrictions on House Transfer

In 2017, Xiamen implemented new regulations to control the overheating property market. The restrictions mainly target non-local buyers and aim to limit the number of properties owned by a single individual or family. According to the policy, non-local buyers are required to provide proof of social security and tax payments for at least one year in Xiamen before being allowed to purchase a property. Additionally, the number of properties owned by a single household cannot exceed two, and the total area of the properties cannot exceed 500 square meters.

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Impact on Property Buyers and Sellers

The house transfer restrictions in Xiamen have had a significant impact on the property market. For non-local buyers, it has become more challenging to purchase a property in the city. The requirement to provide proof of social security and tax payments for at least one year has made it difficult for those who are new to the city to invest in real estate. Additionally, the restrictions on the number of properties that can be owned has made it more difficult for investors to expand their property portfolio.

For sellers, the restrictions have made it more challenging to find buyers for their properties. The limited number of potential buyers has made it more challenging to sell properties at a desirable price.

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Future Outlook

It is not clear how long the house transfer restrictions in Xiamen will remain in place. However, the policy has shown some effectiveness in cooling down the overheating property market. Additionally, the government has shown some flexibility by adjusting the policy over time to meet the changing needs of the market.


The house transfer restrictions in Xiamen have made it more challenging for both property buyers and sellers. However, the policy has been effective in controlling the overheating property market. It remains to be seen how long the restrictions will remain in place and what additional measures the government will take to regulate the property market.

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