【Is it easy to sell a house in Tianjin in 2017?】”Selling Your House in Tianjin in 2017: Is it Easy?” – Exploring the Real Estate Market

Selling a house is a complex task, and it can be even more challenging in a city like Tianjin, where the real estate market is constantly changing. As a seller, you may be wondering if it is easy to sell a house in Tianjin in 2017. In this article, we will explore this question and provide you with a better understanding of the current real estate market in Tianjin.

Factors Affecting the Real Estate Market in Tianjin

Before discussing whether it is easy to sell a house in Tianjin, let’s take a look at the factors affecting the real estate market in the city. Over the past few years, the Chinese government has implemented several policies to control the housing market, such as limiting the number of properties a person can own and increasing the down payment requirements. These policies have had a significant impact on the real estate market in Tianjin, causing a decrease in housing prices and sales volume.

Selling a House in Tianjin in 2017

Despite the recent policy changes, it is still possible to sell a house in Tianjin in 2017. However, it may not be as easy as it once was. Due to the decrease in sales volume, there is currently an oversupply of housing in Tianjin, which means that there are more sellers than buyers. This oversupply has led to increased competition among sellers, making it more difficult to attract potential buyers.

Furthermore, as a seller, you may need to adjust your expectations regarding the sale price of your property. The decrease in housing prices means that you may not be able to fetch the same price for your property as you would have a few years ago. However, with the help of a professional real estate agent and effective marketing, it is still possible to sell your house in Tianjin.

Tianjin is one of the most populous cities in China, and its real estate market has been on the rise in recent years. As the city continues to develop, many people are wondering if it’s easy to sell a house in Tianjin in 2017. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the current state of the Tianjin housing market and explore some of the factors that might impact your ability to sell a house in the city.

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Affordability of Housing

One of the factors that can impact the ease of selling a house in Tianjin is the affordability of housing. In recent years, the cost of housing in Tianjin has been rising steadily. This means that potential buyers may be more cautious when it comes to making a purchase, and may be more likely to negotiate on prices. However, despite the rising prices, demand for housing in Tianjin remains high, which can make it easier to sell a house in the city.

Government Restrictions

Another factor that can impact the ease of selling a house in Tianjin is government restrictions. In recent years, the Chinese government has implemented a number of measures aimed at cooling down the country’s red-hot property market. These measures include restrictions on the number of properties that individuals can own, as well as restrictions on the types of properties that can be purchased. These restrictions may make it more difficult to sell a house in Tianjin, particularly if you are looking to sell to foreign buyers.

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Real Estate Agency Services

Finally, the ease of selling a house in Tianjin in 2017 may also depend on the quality of real estate agency services available in the city. A good agency can help to connect you with potential buyers, market your property effectively, and negotiate on your behalf. However, if you choose a less reputable agency, you may find it more difficult to sell your house quickly and at a fair price.


In conclusion, the ease of selling a house in Tianjin in 2017 depends on a number of factors. While rising housing costs and government restrictions may pose some challenges, the high demand for housing in the city and the quality of real estate agency services available can also make it easier to sell a house in Tianjin. Ultimately, the key to success is to work with a reputable agency and to price your property competitively.

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