【Quanzhou house transaction volume in 2017】”Exploring the Quanzhou House Market: A Look at the 2017 Transaction Volume”

The real estate market in Quanzhou, a city located in Fujian province, China, has experienced significant growth in recent years. With the increasing demand for housing, Quanzhou’s house transaction volume in 2017 reached new heights, breaking records in the city’s real estate history. In this article, we will analyze the factors that contributed to the increase in transaction volume and what it means for the city’s real estate market.

The Influence of Government Policies

One of the significant factors that contributed to the increase in house transaction volume in Quanzhou in 2017 is the government’s favorable policies. In recent years, the Chinese government has implemented policies to stimulate the real estate market. In Quanzhou, the government’s policies include tax incentives for homebuyers, subsidies for first-time homebuyers, and relaxed restrictions on home purchases. These policies have attracted more buyers to the market, leading to an increase in transaction volume.

The Role of Economic Development

Quanzhou’s economic development has also played a crucial role in the city’s real estate market. As the city’s economy continues to grow, more people are moving to Quanzhou, leading to a higher demand for housing. The city’s strategic location and good transportation infrastructure have made it an attractive destination for investment, leading to an increase in the number of new housing projects. The growth in the city’s economy has also increased the purchasing power of residents, making it easier for them to buy homes.

The Impact of Market Competition

Finally, market competition has also contributed to the increase in house transaction volume in Quanzhou in 2017. With more real estate companies competing for buyers, developers have been forced to offer attractive prices, discounts, and other incentives to attract customers. This competition has led to lower prices and better deals for buyers, further stimulating the market and increasing transaction volume.

Quanzhou is a city located in Fujian province, China. It is a historical city with a rich cultural background and is known for its traditional architecture. In recent years, the city has experienced rapid economic growth, leading to an increase in the demand for housing. This article aims to provide an overview of the house transaction volume in Quanzhou in 2017.

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House Transaction Volume in Quanzhou in 2017

According to the statistics released by the Quanzhou Real Estate Trading Center, the total transaction volume of houses in Quanzhou in 2017 was 45,803 units. The total transaction amount reached 78.4 billion yuan, which is a significant increase from the previous year. The increase in transaction volume can be attributed to the growing population and the booming economy of the city.

Factors Driving the House Transaction Volume

One of the main factors driving the house transaction volume in Quanzhou is the city’s growing economy. With the development of the economy, more people are migrating to the city in search of better job opportunities. This has led to an increase in the demand for housing, resulting in a rise in the transaction volume. Another factor is the government’s efforts to create a favorable environment for investment in the real estate sector. This has resulted in the development of new projects and the renovation of old ones, leading to an increase in the supply of houses.

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Future Prospects

With the continuous development of the economy and the government’s efforts to promote the real estate sector, the house transaction volume in Quanzhou is expected to continue to rise in the future. The city has a great potential for growth, and the government is taking measures to ensure that the real estate sector is developed sustainably. This will create a favorable environment for investment and lead to the development of more projects in the city.


In conclusion, the house transaction volume in Quanzhou in 2017 reached a record high, reflecting the city’s rapid economic growth and the increasing demand for housing. The government’s efforts to promote the real estate sector, coupled with the city’s potential for growth, make Quanzhou an attractive destination for investment in the real estate sector. Investors can expect to see a good return on their investment in the years to come.

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