[Real estates in Xuwen County are for sale] New real estate properties in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang | Real estate properties in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang |

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Xuwen Fortune Plaza sells a four-bedroom unit with a construction area of ​​40-126㎡, with an average price of 6,000 yuan/㎡; commercial complexes mainly promote shops with a construction area of ​​40-178㎡. Yuan/㎡. Quotation time: May 25, 2023, price validity period: 30 days The price is a reference price, the actual price of the developer shall prevail

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Zhanjiang Xuwen County New Property Inquiry

Zhanjiang Xuwen County new house real estate over 10,000

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Further reading…

Real estate in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang

Xuwen house price trend

During the activity period, users can go to the activity page, select the specified housing source, click to receive and fill in the phone information, and can click "My house purchase subsidy" to check the receiving result and winning status. Prize settings: 30,000 yuan subsidy coupon, 10,000 yuan subsidy coupon

The subsidy coupon winning lottery will be broadcast live on the Fangtianxia platform. Users register and fill in their mobile phone number as the unique code for the lottery. Identity card information, Fangtianxia backstage staff will send the house purchase allowance to the user account after confirming that it is correct

Please wear a mask when you go to the sales department to see the house. Before entering the sales department, you will have to take a temperature check, wash your hands and disinfect, and register your personal information. It is required that the sales department can not receive more than 3 groups of customers at the same time. If the number of groups of customers can be received at the same time on site, please wait.

Thank you for your attention to Fangtianxia. The real estate consultant will contact you to provide services.

Thank you for your attention to Fangtianxia, ​​we will notify you of this real estate / listing information as soon as possible!

Xuwen Fortune Plaza sells a four-bedroom unit with a construction area of ​​40-126㎡, with an average price of 6,000 yuan/㎡; the commercial complex mainly promotes shops with a construction area of ​​40-178㎡, and the average price of the shops facing the street on the first floor is 30,000 yuan/…Read More>

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