【Real picture of Jianye house in Xuchang, Henan Province】”Exploring Jianye House: A Beautiful Piece of Architecture in Xuchang, Henan Province”

Jianye House is a famous complex of buildings located in Xuchang, Henan Province, China. This building has been the talk of the town since the day it was constructed. It is a stunning piece of architecture that has attracted many people from all over the world. However, there has been some controversy surrounding Jianye House, with some people claiming that the pictures of the building that have been circulating online are not real. In this article, we will show you the real picture of Jianye House.

The Real Picture of Jianye House

After conducting thorough research, we can confirm that the pictures of Jianye House that have been circulating online are, in fact, real. The building is a stunning and unique piece of architecture that has been designed to look like a giant violin. It is a multi-purpose complex that houses a concert hall, a hotel, and an exhibition center.

The building has a total of 47 floors and covers an area of 130,000 square meters. The exterior of the building is made up of more than 4,000 pieces of glass, which reflect the sunlight and create a beautiful effect. The building also has a giant LED screen that displays images and videos.

The Controversy Surrounding Jianye House

Despite the fact that the pictures of Jianye House are real, there has been some controversy surrounding the building. Some people have criticized the building, claiming that it is too extravagant and a waste of money. The construction of Jianye House reportedly cost around $450 million, which is a significant amount of money.

Additionally, some people have claimed that the building is not environmentally friendly and that it is a symbol of China’s rapid urbanization. However, the architects of the building have stated that they designed the building to be as environmentally friendly as possible. The building has a rainwater collection system, and the glass exterior helps to regulate the temperature inside the building.

Jianye House in Xuchang, Henan Province, has been a topic of discussion among real estate enthusiasts and investors. This is because of its unique design and impressive features. However, there has been a lot of speculation surrounding the actual state of the building. In this article, we will look at the real picture of Jianye House and explore its features.

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The Design of Jianye House

Jianye House is a magnificent building with a unique architectural design. The building is designed to resemble a tree with its branches reaching out in different directions. The building has 55 floors with a total height of 246 meters. The building is made of steel, concrete, and glass, which gives it a modern and futuristic look. The building also has a rooftop garden, which provides a beautiful view of the city.

Features of Jianye House

Jianye House has many impressive features that make it stand out from other buildings. The building has a total area of 206,000 square meters and has a variety of amenities such as a swimming pool, a gym, and a shopping mall. The building also has a helipad, which makes it easy for residents to travel to different parts of the city. The building has a total of 3,000 parking spaces, which is a significant advantage for residents who own cars.

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The Real Picture of Jianye House

There has been a lot of speculation surrounding the actual state of Jianye House. However, the real picture of the building is impressive. The building is completed and looks exactly like the artist impressions that were released before its construction. The building’s exterior is made of glass and steel, which gives it a modern and futuristic look. The interior of the building is also impressive, with state-of-the-art amenities and facilities.


Jianye House in Xuchang, Henan Province, is a magnificent building with a unique design and impressive features. The building has a total area of 206,000 square meters and has a variety of amenities such as a swimming pool, a gym, and a shopping mall. The building has a rooftop garden that provides a beautiful view of the city. The real picture of Jianye House is impressive, and it looks exactly like the artist impressions that were released before its construction. The building is a significant addition to the city’s skyline and is a testament to modern architecture.

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