【Price chart of houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo】”Exploring the Housing Market: A Price Chart of Houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo”

Zhenhai is a district in the city of Ningbo, located in the eastern coastal region of China. In recent years, the district has become a popular destination for homebuyers due to its tranquil environment, convenient transportation, and affordable housing prices. In this article, we will explore the current price chart of houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo, and analyze the trends in the real estate market.

Overview of the Price Chart

According to data from the Zhenhai Real Estate Trading Center, the average price of houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo, is around 10,000 yuan per square meter. The prices vary depending on the location, size, and age of the property. On average, a 100 square meter apartment in a newly constructed building costs around 1 million yuan, while a similar-sized apartment in an older building costs around 800,000 yuan.

The price chart shows that the real estate market in Zhenhai has been stable in the past year, with only slight fluctuations. The prices have remained relatively affordable compared to other major cities in China, which is one of the reasons why more and more people are choosing to buy homes in this area.

Factors Affecting the Price of Houses

Several factors can affect the price of houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo. One of the most significant factors is the location of the property. Houses located in the city center or near the coast tend to be more expensive than those in the suburbs or rural areas. The size and age of the property are also crucial factors. Newly constructed buildings with modern amenities are more expensive than older buildings with fewer facilities.

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Another factor that affects the price of houses in Zhenhai is the state of the local economy. The district has a robust economy, with several industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and tourism. The job market is also growing, which attracts more people to live and work in the area. As a result, the demand for housing increases, which drives up the prices.

Zhenhai, a bustling district in Ningbo, China, is an ideal location for those looking to buy a house. In recent years, the district has experienced a rapid increase in property prices due to its strategic location and booming economy. In this article, we will discuss the price chart of houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo, and the factors that have contributed to the surge in property prices.

The Price Chart of Houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo

According to recent data, the average price of a house in Zhenhai, Ningbo is approximately 13,000 yuan per square meter. The price varies depending on the location, property type, and age of the building. The most expensive area in Zhenhai is the central business district, with prices ranging from 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per square meter. The cheapest properties can be found in the suburban areas, with prices starting from 8,000 yuan per square meter.

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Ji Hotel (Ningbo Zhenhai Hotel), China

Factors Contributing to the Surge in Property Prices

Several factors have contributed to the surge in property prices in Zhenhai, Ningbo. Firstly, the district is well-connected to major transportation hubs, making it an attractive location for businesses and investors. Secondly, the booming economy of Ningbo has led to an increase in demand for housing, which has driven up prices. Thirdly, the district is home to several prestigious schools and universities, making it a popular location for families with children.


The price chart of houses in Zhenhai, Ningbo shows a steady increase in property prices over the past few years. The district’s strategic location, booming economy, and excellent educational facilities have contributed to this surge in prices. As a result, buying a house in Zhenhai, Ningbo can be a wise investment for those looking to settle in a thriving, vibrant community.

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