【Gedian House 2017】

The Facade

The most striking change to Gedian House is the new facade. The building has been revitalized with a modern and sleek glass exterior that adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the area. The design is a unique blend of contemporary and traditional elements, paying homage to the building’s history while embracing modernity. The new facade has transformed the building’s appearance and has become a new landmark in the city.

The Interior

The interior of Gedian House has also undergone a significant transformation. The shopping mall has been replaced with a new and exciting commercial space that features a variety of businesses, ranging from high-end fashion boutiques to trendy cafes and restaurants. The new interior is spacious, bright, and welcoming, making it the perfect place for people to shop, dine, and socialize. The new design also features eco-friendly elements, such as natural light and greenery, creating a refreshing and sustainable environment.

The Impact

The transformation of Gedian House has had a significant impact on the surrounding area. The revitalization has attracted a new wave of businesses and investment, creating a vibrant and dynamic community. The new design has also helped to increase foot traffic in the area, making it a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. The project has breathed new life into the commercial district of Wuhan, and it serves as an excellent example of how redevelopment can benefit both the local community and the economy.

The Gedian House 2017 is a stunning example of how traditional Chinese architecture can be reinterpreted for modern times. Located in the heart of Gedian, China, this beautiful structure was designed by Atelier Li Xinggang and completed in 2017. The building’s unique blend of traditional and modern elements has made it a must-see destination for architecture enthusiasts from around the world.

A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

The Gedian House 2017 is a perfect example of how traditional Chinese architecture has been blended with modern design techniques to create a stunning masterpiece. The building’s exterior is characterized by its dramatic use of color and texture, which is created through the use of traditional materials such as brick, wood, and tile. The roof is adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures that pay homage to traditional Chinese architecture.

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“Boys of the Outreach House”. Gideon Muwawu. Jinja, …

The interior of the building is equally impressive, with an open floor plan that seamlessly blends the traditional and the modern. The use of natural light and clean lines creates a feeling of spaciousness and tranquility that is both calming and invigorating.

Sustainable Design

One of the most impressive aspects of the Gedian House 2017 is its sustainable design. The building was designed to minimize its impact on the environment and to be as energy-efficient as possible. The architects used a combination of passive solar design, natural ventilation, and energy-efficient lighting and appliances to reduce the building’s carbon footprint.

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Prosumer b2b Gideön(Funk&Soul 8am @ Maceos 2017)

Nov 16, 2017

The building’s water system is also designed to be as sustainable as possible. Rainwater is collected and used for irrigation, while greywater is treated and reused for non-potable purposes. These sustainable design features not only help to reduce the building’s environmental impact but also contribute to its overall beauty and functionality.


The Gedian House 2017 is a true masterpiece of modern architecture. Its unique blend of traditional Chinese design elements and modern techniques has created a building that is both beautiful and functional. The building’s sustainable design features also make it a model for environmentally conscious architecture. If you’re ever in Gedian, China, be sure to make a stop at this stunning building and see for yourself why it has become a must-see destination for architecture enthusiasts from around the world.

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