【2016 twelfth lunar month house sweeping good day】”Preparing Your Home for Chinese New Year: The Best Day for House Sweeping in the Twelfth Lunar Month of 2016″

The twelfth lunar month is the last month of the lunar calendar, according to Chinese tradition, it is the time of the year when people engage in “spring cleaning.” The 2016 twelfth lunar month good day is an auspicious occasion that many people look forward to. On this day, it is believed that cleaning your home can bring good fortune for the coming year. In this article, we will discuss why house sweeping is essential on the 2016 twelfth lunar month good day.

Why House Sweeping is Important

Cleaning your home on the 2016 twelfth lunar month good day is an ancient Chinese tradition that has been passed on for generations. According to the tradition, cleaning your home helps to remove any negative energy that might have accumulated throughout the year. Sweeping your house symbolizes sweeping away bad luck and welcoming good fortune. It is believed that when you clean your home, you are making way for good luck and prosperity to enter your life.

The Significance of the 2016 Twelfth Lunar Month Good Day

The 2016 twelfth lunar month good day falls on January 28th, which is the first day of the Chinese New Year. This day is considered to be the most important day of the year in Chinese culture. It is a time when families come together to celebrate the start of a new year and to wish each other good luck and prosperity. On this day, it is believed that cleaning your home can help to ensure that you start the new year on the right foot.

Tips for House Sweeping on the 2016 Twelfth Lunar Month Good Day

To ensure that you get the most out of your house sweeping on the 2016 twelfth lunar month good day, it is essential to follow some tips. Firstly, it is recommended to start cleaning your home early in the morning, as this is believed to be the best time for house sweeping. You should also open all windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home. Lastly, it is best to avoid sweeping your home on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, as these days are considered to be inauspicious.

In the traditional Chinese culture, sweeping the house during the twelfth lunar month is an important custom that symbolizes the preparation for the upcoming new year. According to the lunar calendar, 2016’s twelfth lunar month falls between December 7 and January 5. During this period, it is believed that sweeping the house on a good day will bring good luck and prosperity to the household in the coming year.

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The Importance of the Twelfth Lunar Month

The twelfth lunar month of the Chinese calendar holds great significance in Chinese culture. It is a time when people celebrate the end of a year and the beginning of a new one. Many important festivals and customs are observed during this period, such as the Winter Solstice Festival, which is celebrated on December 21. The twelfth lunar month is also a time when people reflect on the past year and make preparations for the new year.

The Significance of House Sweeping

House sweeping is an important custom during the twelfth lunar month. It is believed that sweeping the house on a good day will help to remove bad luck and negative energy from the household. This is because sweeping is seen as a way to physically remove dirt and dust, which are believed to carry negative energy. By sweeping the house, people are also creating a clean and tidy environment that is conducive to positive energy and good luck.

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Finding a Good Day for House Sweeping

To ensure that house sweeping brings good luck and prosperity, it is important to choose a good day for the task. In Chinese culture, there are auspicious and inauspicious days for different activities. To find a good day for house sweeping in the twelfth lunar month of 2016, people can consult a Chinese almanac or seek the advice of a fortune teller. It is believed that sweeping the house on an auspicious day will bring good luck and prosperity to the household in the coming year.


Sweeping the house during the twelfth lunar month of 2016 is an important custom that symbolizes the preparation for the upcoming new year. By sweeping the house on a good day, people can remove bad luck and negative energy from their homes and create a clean and tidy environment that is conducive to positive energy and good luck. It is important to choose an auspicious day for house sweeping to ensure that the task brings good luck and prosperity to the household in the coming year.

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